Con-Sent ADR

An alliance to create a North-South Pan-European Axis for conflict mediation

Supported by their common vision and values, GENEVACCORD ADR & Con-Sent ADR have formed an alliance with a view to creating a Pan-European Axis for the effective promotion and development of conflict mediation:
The Hague - Amsterdam - Brussels - Paris - Lyon - Geneva - Turin - Rome

Con-Sent ADR logo

With a hub in Brussels and offices in Amsterdam and Paris, Con-Sent ADR brings together professional conflict mediators who are dedicated, passionate about and experienced in effective and extra-judicial conventional resolution of national, European and international disputes.
Driven by the same desire to empower parties, making them masters of their own destiny, each of the mediators who are partners in Con-Sent ADR embraces a cross-border and European approach.

Among Con-Sent ADR, GENEVACCORD ADR has three main contacts:

Georges Hanot

Georges Hanot
Founding partner, certified mediator in Belgium.


Virginie Martins de Nobrega


Virginie Martins de Nobrega

Associate partner, attorney-at-law and mediator in France.



Roger Ritzen


Roger Ritzen

Associate partner, attorney-at-law and mediator in Netherlands.




FG Communication

GENEVACCORD ADR and FG Communication are both involved to meet current requirements and needs by offering continuous training and improvements in speech, posture, body language, non-verbal and para-verbal communication in conflict mediation.
They pool their respective skills and competencies by offering, for instance, a specialized training in verbal and nonverbal communication applied to mediation (in French).

FG Communication logo

 Among FG Communication, GENEVACCORD ADR has one main contact:

Patrick GoujonPatrick Goujon, Director of FG Communication

Communication consultant, expert in public speaking.
Instructor in oral expression and corporate contradictory debating
Professor at the Paris Central School (ECP) and the ECP’s Doctoral School.
Instructor at GENEVACCORD ADR and at CMAP (Mediation and Arbitration Center of Paris).

GENEVACCORD ADR foreign correspondent in Paris, France, and communication and oral expression advisor.

Open speech promotion
(in French).

the Interprofessional Center of Médiation Arbitration

GENEVACCORD ADR in Geneva and the Interprofessional Center of Mediation Arbitration (CIMA) in Lyon have joined forces in order to develop the promotion of conflict mediation in commercial matters.
Among other objectives, their common efforts are aimed to include a mediation clause in international contracts.
Among the CIMA, GENEVACCORD ADR has two main contacts:

Jérémie VerniauJérémie Verniau, Esquire - Mediator
Mediator at the Interprofessional Center of Mediation Arbitration (CIMA).

Lawyer involved in contract and intellectual property law since 1998, Cabinet Lawyer France.
Manages and develops a Webconseil department dedicated to information and communication technologies, and intellectual proprety, Cabinet France Lawyer.

Interventions in civil and commercial matters : counseling, negotiation and drafting of contracts, pre-litigation or judiciary dispute resolution.

GENEVACCORD ADR foreign correspondent in Lyon, France.


Rolland VerniauRolland Verniau, Esquire - Mediator
Mediator and adjudicator at the Interprofessional Center of Mediation Arbitration (CIMA).
Président of CIMA 2009-2013.
Trained at CMAP, the High Authority against Discrimination and for Equality (HALDE), Bar of Lyon and GENEVACCORD ADR.

Lawyer since 1974, involved in economic law, competition and distribution law, contract and commercial law, pre-litigation and judiciary counceling, Cabinet France Lawyer.

GENEVACCORD ADR foreign correspondent in Lyon, France.